
Order Settings

Before you start accepting orders on your CarePro portal, you should setup some basic order settings. These define a few options for how orders should be placed on your site.

To open the order settings page, go to 'Settings'-'Order Settings'

This opens the following page:

Each option presented in this page is explained below:

  1. Enable Shortlist: This specifies if you would like Employers to be able to shortlist candidates while they are placing their orders. If you set this to 'No' , then the shortlist option will not be visible on the site. However, you will still be able shortlist candidates if you are creating orders manually from the backend.
  2. Require billing address during checkout: This specifies if you would like to force users to submit their billing addresses during checkout. This is needed if you are using certain payment gateways that may require it.

Order Forms

CarePro allows you to create multiple order forms. An order form is a dedicated form accessible only to Employers. Employers can use these forms to place orders for your services.

Each order form can be customized in order to receive the right type of information you need from your various types of Employers. For example, if you run a Nanny agency that caters for Parents and Creches, you can choose to create two order forms, one for Parents and the other for Creches. Links to the order forms can be placed on your Navigation menus for easy location by Employers.

In order to create an order form, login to your Admin account and navigate to 'Settings'-'Forms'-'Order Forms'.

The Order Forms page will open which shows the list of all available forms.

In order to create a new form, click on the 'Add New' Button.

The order form page will open up which contains the following fields:

  1. Name: Enter the name of the form. Choose a name that is descriptive of the Form's function as this name will be displayed as the Title of the form when employers open it.
  2. Description: The description of the form should contain instructions you would like employers to read before filling the form. This description will be visible on the first section of each Order Page an employer attempts to fill. It will also be visible on the order form list that gets displayed if there are more that one active order forms.
  3. Enabled: This specifies if a form can receive responses or not. If disabled, employers will not be able to view the form even if they have the url.
  4. Show Shortlist: When an employer is placing orders, they may wish to shortlist candidates from your public list. This setting determines if the shortlisted candidates will be visible on the form while it is being filled. You may wish to disable this if you do not expect Employers the form was designed for to be interested in shortlisting.
  5. Show Interview Fields: Typically, order forms are used to place orders for candidates and this usually results in an interview being scheduled. By default, forms have some fields that enable employers set their preferred interview details such as Interview date, Interview location and Interview Time.

    If you wish to hide these fields in a form, you can do so using this option.
  6. Enable automatic order invoice: This specifies if you would like and invoice to be generated automatically every time an employer successfully creates an order. This is especially useful for collecting mobilization fees. If set to yes, then and invoice will be automatically generated for the employer and they will be redirected to the payment page after they place their order.
  7. Invoice Amount: This option will only have an effect if the 'Enable automatic order invoice' option is set to 'Yes'. This specifies the amount that will be charged on the automatically generated invoice.
  8. Invoice Title: This option will only have an effect if the 'Enable automatic order invoice' option is set to 'Yes'. This defines the title of the invoice that is generated automatically.
  9. Invoice Description: This is the description of the invoice item for the automatically generated invoice (if enabled).
  10. Invoice Category: CarePro enables you to categorize your invoices for easy sorting. You can specify the Invoice Category that the automatically generated invoice (if enabled) will belong to by default.

Once you have successfully created a form, you can proceed to create sections for that form. Each order form is comprised of 'Sections'. You can create as many sections as you wish for each form. Each section can contain multiple fields. Fields are the actual form controls that the employer fill input data into. Fields can be of various types such as Text boxes, Text area, Select, Radio buttons, Labels, Checkboxes and File input.

To create a new section, click on the 'Manage Sections' button for the Order Form you are modifying

Next, click on the 'Add New' button.

The Order Form Section creation page will open as shown below:

The different fields on this page are explained below:

  1. Name: This is the name of the section. Enter a name that is descriptive of this section. However, ensure that you do not make your name too long as this is what is displayed as the title of the form section on the order form as show below

    We recommend you use just three or four words as your section name.
  2. Sort Order: The sort order is a digit that controls the order of display of this section relative to the order sections on the same form. Sort orders must be an integer (e.g. 1,2,3). The sections are displayed in ascending order of the sort order. Hence, if you assign the number 1 as a sort order for a section, it will be the first section that is displayed after the 'Details' and 'Shortlist' (if enabled) sections.

    We recommend you do not repeat section sort orders in a single form i.e. do not give two sections in the same form the same sort order number. This is to make sure your display order is predictable.
  3. Description: This is descriptive text that explains how the fields in this section should be filled. This is displayed to employers when they navigate to this section in the order form.

  4. Layout: The layout field is used to define the order in which fields will be displayed on the form. The layout can either be 'Vertical' or 'Horizontal'. If set to 'Vertical' then the order fields will be laid out vertically on the form e.g.

    However, if you set the layout to 'Horizontal', you can arrange the fields in that section in a grid format. Selecting the 'Horizontal' option will reveal the 'Column Width' option

    The grids are laid out in blocks of 12. You can specify how many blocks out of 12 each column in the section should occupy. For example, if you specify 6/12 as the column width, then each field will take up half of the space in the section as show below:

    If you set to 4/12, then each field will occupy one third of the space in the section like below:

Creating Fields

After you have successfully created your sections, you can then create fields. Each field (except the 'Label' field) represents a piece of data you wish to collect from an employer. To create or manage fields for a form section, click on the 'Manage Fields' button for that section:

This brings up the list of all the fields in that section. You can see the field type, sort order and if the field is a required field or not.

Next click on the 'Add New' button. This will bring up the field creation page:

Each option in this page is described below:

  1. Name: This is the title of the field. Please give each field a name that clearly describes the type of data that should be inputted into it.
  2. Type: This describes the nature of the Form field that will be created. The following type of fields are supported:
    - Text: This accepts a single line of text e.g

    Use this field type to collect small pieces of text.

    -Textarea: This accepts multi-line paragraph text. e.g.

    Use this field type to collect larger amount of text.

    -Select: This creates a drop-down control that allows the user select from a list of options e.g.

    Use this option if you would like to restrict user input to a predefined set of options.

    -Radio: This creates a list of options similar to the 'Select' above. However, for radio buttons, each option is displayed on the page without the user needing to click on the control e.g.
    Image result for radio button
    Use this option for smaller list of options.

    -Checkbox: Checkboxes are used to create 'Yes' or 'No' fields. If the user selects the option, its value is set to 'Yes'. If not selected, its value is set to 'No' e.g.

    -File: This allows a user to upload a file e.g.

    -Label: The label field is a special option that does not actually collect any data. This field type is simply used to create a heading withing form fields. This is very useful if you wish to separate fields within a form section. For example see the 'School Information' label below

  3. Sort Order: This defines the placement of the field relative to others in the same section. The fields are arranged in ascending order. The sort order must be an integer. We recommend you do not repeat sort orders for fields in the same section.
  4. Options: The options box is only visible if you select the 'Select' or 'Radio' field types. This box allows you to define the options that can be selected from. Please note that you need to enter each option on a new line e.g.

  5. Required: This specifies if this field should be mandator. If set to 'Yes' then employers will not be able to submit the order form without filling this field.
  6. Hint: This allows you to define a descriptive text that tells the user what type of data is expected for that field. Please note that this only works for Text and Texarea field types.
  7. Enabled: This specifies if the field will be visible on the order form or not.

Once you have created all your sections and their associated fields, your order form should be ready for use!

Note however that you will need to add your form to a menu in order for it to be visible on the site. You can add the form to the header or footer menu by going to 'Settings'-'Menu'. Click on the 'Header Menu' or 'Footer Menu' option.

One the menu editing page, click on the 'Order Forms' panel. You will see the list of all your order forms there. Click on the 'ADD' button for the form you wish to add to your menu.

Your form should now be easy to locate by your employers. For more information on managing menus, please see the 'Managing Menus' help page

Managing Orders

Order are requests for your services placed by prospective employers. Orders can be created in two ways

  1. An employer visits your main site (the Frontend) and then fills an order form you created previously.
  2. You manually create an order on behalf of an employer from the admin area (the Backend)

Orders can have 4 different statuses. These are

  1. Pending: These usually are orders which have not been attended to yet. It is the default status of all new orders submitted by employers from the Frontend
  2. In Progress: These are orders that you have started processing. Setting the status to this informs the employer that their order is being worked on.
  3. Completed: These are orders that have been concluded i.e. candidates have been paired with employers and payment has been received.
  4. Cancelled: These are orders that were not successfully concluded for whatever reason.

It is important that you update an order as it progresses through the different stages. Employers can log into their account an view the status of their orders. They can also get notified via email as you update their orders.

Manually Creating An Order

If you wish to manually create an order for an employer, click on the 'Orders'-'Create Order' link

This opens the Orders page and a dialog appears prompting you to select a form.

Select a form you have created previously from the dropdown option. Then Click on 'Proceed'. The order creation page will open

Fill in all the details required in order to create an order. Select your employer from the dropdown by typing either the name or email of the employer. You can also shortlist candidates for this order by typing the list of candidates in the 'Candidate' box. You can add as many candidates as you wish.

Note the 'Create' invoice checkbox. If selected, you can create an invoice automatically based on your 'Automatic invoice' settings (learn more about that here). Click on the 'Create' button in order to create your new order.

Managing Orders

To manage existing orders, click on any of the links (except 'Create Order') under the 'Orders' menu corresponding to the type of order you wish to view.

This brings up the corresponding list of orders

Each order has two buttons: 'Comments' and 'Actions'

The 'Comments' button leads to a page where you can manage all order comments for this order. Each order can have an unlimited number of comments. Comments can be created both by the Admin and the Employer. This provides an easy location where you can provide updates to the employer about their order.

When you create a comment, the employer can get notified immediately via email. Click on the 'Add New' button on the comments page in order to add a new comment. You can also add attachments to your comments.

The 'Actions' button provides options for viewing, editing and deleting an order. There is also a 'Create Placement' button. This enables you easily create a 'Placement' record after an order has been completed successfully. See the 'Managing Placements' help page for more information on placements.

Clicking on the 'View' action option leads to the page were you can get a full view of the order

The order viewing page contains different tabs. There is the 'Order Details' tab which shows the specific details of this order, the 'Employer Details' tab which shows you the full details of the employer, the 'Shortlist' tab which shows you the candidates shortlisted for this order (if available), the 'Invoices' tab which shows invoices that were created for this order and the 'Create Interview' tab which enables you easily schedule an interview for the employer who placed this order (See the help page for managing interviews for more information).

One thing to note about the 'Invoices' tab is that you can create new Invoices here. Invoices created using the 'Add new' button in this tab will be associated with this order only. We recommend you create Order related invoices this way as it helps you organize your invoices.

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